Fashion Portraits: Jean Harlow by Clarence Sinclair Bull, 1932

A new week calls for a new theme and I’ve decided on fashion portraits.

I do themes on my instagram weekly solely to keep track of what I’m posting. However, it’s well known at this point my posts get pretty long and with more info than Instagram can handle. I’ll be crossposting longer ones here to the blog, since Instagram isn’t my favorite anyway. I haven’t forgotten about Jean Harlow in the 1920s, either! It’s a bit of a massive undertaking, and I have so much going on both with this blog and my personal life. The next installment of that series is a work in progress, but it’ll be here soon.

Back to fashion portraits: Here is an old favorite of mine, taken November 1932 by Clarence Sinclair Bull. Jean’s outfit was created by French designer Jean Patou. ⁣

⁣This original photo did not appear in print until January 1933, after Harlow’s mourning period for Paul Bern had passed. Wide World Photo Agency (now owned by AP) described the outfit in this press caption, dated 1/12/1933: ⁣

⁣”HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. — A feminized version of at-home pajama is revealed in the model belonging to the wardrobe of Jean Harlow, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer star. The sleeveless blouse is carried out in white crepe with the flaring trousers of black crepe. A tie sash brings a touch of red to the costume while large silver circles of silver [sic] are embroidered on blouse, trousers and sash.”⁣

Let it also be known the designer of this ensemble, the House of Patou, was not doing very well during the 1930s. They clung to selling the other luxury item they were famous for; perfume. Patou created the fragrance Joy in reaction to the Wall Street crash in 1929. Ironically, it went on to become the second best selling perfume in the world.

⁣Well, what do we think? Would you wear it today, or is this a lost art deco artifact of the 1930s?

Personally, I adore the cut of this outfit but I’m unsure about the color combination and pattern. Silver against Jean’s hair must have been stunning, but the red sash seems off. I wouldn’t wear it myself….though I do adore a good pair of 1930s trousers.

Here are some alternate portraits from this November 1932 session with Clarence Sinclair Bull: all modeling the same Jean Patou creation.

The outfit also featured this little hat made of self fabric. Harlow wore this ensemble to a party in April 1933, which was thrown by director W.S. Van Dyke to celebrate the native cast of his blockbuster Eskimo (1933). Here she is, pictured at the very party:

She decided to keep the hat on for this portrait. Looking very radiant with minimal makeup!

Til next time on Harlow Heaven.

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