Fashion Portraits: Jean Harlow by Ted Allan, October 1936

Jean does a modeling session for photographer Ted Allan on October 21, 1936. Shown below is one outfit out of many that were photographed this day. These fashion portraits were done in between Libeled Lady which was completed the month before, and Personal Property which began production in December. ⁣⁣

⁣⁣Photos from this shoot appeared in a fashion spread for Screenland Magazine, February 1937 (Funnily enough I own the spread, but not the entire magazine!) ⁣The last image is an alternate portrait from my copy. ⁣

⁣⁣Press snipe on the back of an original photo describes this outfit: ⁣⁣

“BLACK BEAUTY…Clipped caracul and silver flecked black broadcloth combine to fashion this attractive ensemble worn by Jean Harlow, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer star. The fitted skirt with two inverted pleats is topped with tailored grey blue lame blouse. The new-length coat with its flaring peplum features attractive bodice and sleeve treatment of black caracul. Her antelope hat with its embroidered crown is also black. Harmonizing accessories complete her ensemble. (Clothes by J.W. Robinson Co. Furs by Berman)”⁣⁣

Press snipe from the back of an original photo from this session.

⁣⁣I love 1930s fashion, but my appreciation starts to dim by the year 1936. Strange sleeves, unflattering cuts and weird hats seem to define 1936-37 in fashion for me. I’m not the biggest fan of this apparel, but Jean wears it well and looks absolutely glamorous. Something tells me she wasn’t floored either, since this getup didn’t appear in her personal wardrobe. ⁣⁣

Others, however, did! Another outfit that was photographed here ended up being the dress she wore to embark on her trip to Washington, D.C. in January 1937.

Another frock from the October 21st shoot that also appeared in the fashion spread.
Jean and Robert Taylor at the Pasadena Train Station, leaving for Washington, D.C.

Another fringed frock from this fashion spread became hers, as well:

October 21st, 1936

Jean wore this dress to a Lux Radio theatre rehearsal of Madame Sans-Gêne two months later on December 10th, 1936.

You can see here, she needed reading glasses! This is one of the only pictures I know of her using them.

On a closing note, here is a newspaper herald for the fashion house that supplied Jean’s clothes for this session.

The Los Angeles Times, January 27th, 1936

Those prices are still astronomical in the modern day, for me at least. Yikes! Hollywood for you.

See you next post on Harlow Heaven.

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